Who is Invisalign good for?
Even after having traditional braces during adolescence, some adults may require additional alignment help later in life. Invisalign is a great option for adults and children alike to straighten out their teeth and perfect their smile.
Why is Invisalign better than traditional braces?
Our patients love Invisalign because it’s an unobtrusive, clear solution that can correct their teeth alignment over just a matter of months. Professionals can use Invisalign without coworkers noticing - and achieve spectacular results.
Who will I see for my Invisalign treatment?
Every dentist at Washington Square park Dental is an Invisalign-certified provider and can work with patients under 20 or over 20 to build a beautiful smile. If you’ve been considering braces or teeth aligning solutions, ask us during your next visit about Invisalign. We’re happy to talk to you about your options and draft a treatment plan that meets your needs and budget!